Thursday, July 3, 2008

Bayview Rides

Took two fun rides today in the Bayview area.
The first was a solo morning monster climb on logging roads.
The second was a ride around the trails at Farragut State Park with Liza the righteous disco queen. She just loves that $75 bike.
Maddie played and swam hard all day.
Mobile post


  1. Gig Harbor totally needs a disco biker. Everyone dresses like a bike racer, even the people that never break 15MPH.

    A few days back I saw guy on a Long Haul Trucker shirtless and wearing cutoff jeans, but that sort of sighting is far and few between.

  2. Michael, come on over for a weekend. If you land on the right weekend (July 18-19 for example), we can provide lots of non-racing bike fun for you.

  3. Thanks for the invite! I've been neglecting my Spokane people and that weekend might just work out for a trip over.

    I'll keep you posted.
