Monday, March 9, 2009

Snow is still legal

It is still officially winter after all. Blech. I'm glad I left the studs on the 720. It's icy as shite on the south hill tonight. The high tomorrow is 20's. yay.

I'm hosting late garage nights at the P2P garage on Monday nights. 8-10 pm. We were packing out Weds nights, so we're trying the late night deal once a week to see if that helps reduce the strain on Weds nights.

Tonight it was just Tanner, Jon, and me.

Tanner and Jon were working on a couple lady Schwinns: hacking them for a tall bike.

Hammering and hacksawing


  1. We got a significant amount of snow on Sunday too. I took my studded tires off over a week ago, so I had considered taking the bus. The roads were maybe 85% clear of ice, so I decided to chance it and rode my (just barely) semi-slicks. I actually rode over quite a bit of ice with no slips/crashes, but I would have felt better with studs.

    Supposed to warm up again starting tomorrow, so hopefully that was the last of it here.

  2. 10 degrees above on the Slavic Baptist clock at 6AM this morning, but felt much colder coming down Lincoln. I was braking because of the cold, no ice on the hill.

    I thought I was lazy not to remove the studs on the monocog, but turned out I was wise. There is ice on the Cent. trail downtown.

    It's cruel to listen to my bottom bracket creak in the cold!


  3. Im just amused by the title. If snow is illegal, who goes to jail?

  4. Ohhhhh snow pants. How embarassing!

    Someone told Jon that we were on here, and there I am!

    And for the sake of being lazy and not wanting to click for two comments, the RB-1 looks even more badass all resurrected...

    of course in the hella DIY-punk aspect of it... haha.

