Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Boycott has ended

Maddie was boycotting the bike for a while -- even on the rare days where riding a bike would've been lovely. Her main complaint was her old helmet. It never fit her right and she always fussed and freaked out when the straps got all twisty and weird. We spent a bunch of time trying to fix and adjust the helmet but it just became the wall in the way. It's the Sicilian in Maddie: once something has proven so lame and unreliable, there comes a time when no more chances are given. So she was boycotting the bike until she got a new helmet.

We held our ground for a bit since the helmet was fine. But after a while, the more I pondered Maddie's request for a helmet, the more it made sense to me. I am extremely picky and fussy when it comes to comfort as I ride. I also though about all the wanky bike crap that I buy on a whim. Why were we holding such a hard line on this? What's the lesson here?

So, this weekend, Maddie and I checked out the helmets on the Nutcase site and found one of the XS helmets for her. Maddie has a small noggin and a kid's helmet is just too big. According to the Nutcase sizing chart, Maddie still wears a toddler size helmet. The helmet arrived yesterday and it really is a perfect fit. It's also very high quality.

So she's back on the bike. Now we need to work on the frozen thumbs.


  1. I hope for here sake that she doesn't have the glove issues that you do.

  2. Had to replace my helmet this weekend, wish I'd know about those.

  3. Glad to see you (reluctantly) acknowledge that your daughter is a chip off the 'ol block. ;-)

  4. This is funny to read. When I dropped off Madeleine at school today, I said hi to Maddie. I also asked her about her bicycle, because we are searching for a new bike for Madeleine. She did not say much about her bike, but she enthusiastically and proudly showed me her helmet. Now it makes more sense!

    Do you have suggestions about a new bicycle for Madeleine? Her bike is kind of beat. She recently learned to ride, although she needs practice starting and stopping.
