Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Barstow to Beniditto's: the numbers (follow up)

Ideally, moving average would be 15. But until that day, the way to hit an 8 hour Midnight Century this year will be to chop the "Stopped" time way down.
Here's the elevation profile.
The "Elevation" number in the screen shot above is just a snapshot of the elevation where I took the pic. A block from Benidittos.


  1. Based on the numbers, the wings shoulda tasted really good. Hope that was the case. Nice ride.

  2. Pat: wings ruled.
    Opa: It's a Garmin eTrex Vista.

  3. You can be proud of that ride, whatever the numbers. But I'd think the numbers for 130 miles would put you within sight of an 8 hour century.
