Saturday, April 5, 2014

Antoine Peak

Pat, Glen, and I rode around Antoine Peak today.

Of the 2 hours we were out, I'd say that about 4 minutes of it were spent descending. 

All the rest was climb. But I may be exaggerating.

But not much. Check out Glen's Strava track of the route.

I think I'm gonna put some SPD's on the Pugsley. My hips were killing me by the end of the ride. 

Yes. It's come to this. This will be "sleep" mode. More to come.

We saw a young moose at the top. He didn't care much that we were there.


  1. What about using flexible tent poles on the top of the truck to make a way for water to not settle in the middle?

  2. rory: i had a highly productive ad hoc meeting with Glen and Pat yesterday regarding this issue and others. Plans have been made.
