Monday, June 23, 2014


I'm reworking the Pink Elephant for summer touring. More on this later.

Maddie just keeps growing fast. We did a one-night overnighter this year. We plan on doing at least a two-nighter this summer. Maybe a couple two-nighters if we can figure out a good route. Then next summer I think we'll be ready for a week tour -- perhaps we'll go up Whidbey, then Orcas or Lopez. In any case, I see a LHT in Maddie's future.

Maddie and I just got back from a week of tooling around the OR and WA coast and hanging with family in Seattle. More here on that. The beaches make me ponder a fat bike adventure. A guy could go for miles on these beaches during mid-low tide.

From L-R, that's Maddie, my sister Betsy, and her kid, Livvy.  Riding around Seattle is pretty righteous. Even with the kids.


Noah Sutherland said...

I've never understood drop bars with backsweep on the flats. Can you explain it to me? The ergononomics seems strange.

John Speare said...

I think the backsweeps are traditionally meant for resting your palms. sometimes the bars rise up there too, but these (nitto noodles) don't... when these bars fail/bend more than i'm comfortable with i'll probably replace them with the ritchey wcs logic curve, which is a bar i have on one of my bikes that i've really come to like. they don't have the same backsweep, nor do they have a rise at the backsweep -- but the flat ramps, which both bars have, are key. the ritcheys also have a bit more shallow bend/drop, which I also prefer.