Monday, April 27, 2009

Not a good day

On the way to work I nearly got hit. Closest I've come in a long time. Totally my fault. I was taking heading west on Second Ave. My target was the new coffee shop, Taste, which is on the west side of the street. After I turned right onto Howard, I proceeded to U-turn to lock up in front of the restaurant. I didn't check before I U'd. Of course, a car had also taken a right onto Howard right behind me, and he was now gunning it to overtake me on the left. yowsa. Close call.  
Good lesson for me. I think I'm a pretty good and safe rider. That's a new scenario for me to be aware of.
On the way home, I approached a curb that I bunny hop about 4 times a week. I do it so often that I've apparently stopped thinking about it. I apparently think the bike is going to jump on its own. Because today I totally shanked my rear wheel on the curb. Lame. Lame. F'ing Lame. 

There's a huge honkin dent in my rim and it's totally out of round and it sucks and I'm mad at my lazy self for being so out of it. I was able true it up to ride it home, but there's a huge bump in the ride. 

And of course not a single bike shop in Spokane stocks the Velocity Synergy rim. Errg.


  1. Try as we might we all have these moments--even when we drive. How fortunate yours didn't result in a hospital visit.

  2. Can't we skip Mondays altogher and go straight from Sun to Tues? Glad you're ok. Your tags pretty well summed up your state of mind and gave me a laugh. Hope today was way better.

  3. I am replacing a velocity synergy rim at the moment. one thing i learned is they are now available in black, for all your trendsetting needs. Personlly, i was hoping for fluoescent green, ala most fixie riders/walkers.

  4. Rory: funny you mention that. I was at my LBS yesterday and noticed the new black rim. I would bling my daily driver with hipster colors if Velocity sold the synergy in fluoerscents.

    Hank/Pat: I'm glad I'm ok too. The barfy and nimrod tags finally came in handy again. Nimrod, though is not a good term to use in the way I use it --- per Tarik.
