Sunday, May 3, 2009

Bloomsday 09

Liza jumping rope to get her "weight-bearing" exercise for the day: 1400 jumps a day plus 1200-1500 mg of calcium keeps the bones strong. That's Tiger the squirrel hunter peeking in.

I added a stay to the front of my fender. There was some rattle and movement that was annoying. This will make this bike near perfect. Next up: generator lighting with an IQ Cyo. I love this bike. And I love these full Honjo fenders. I'd do a commercial.

RB-T. They don't make them like this any more. I took this out on the highdrive trails this morning. I'm always amazed at how this bike allows me to climb the really steep, rocky, and twisty switch-backs. I can't stay on the bike for most of those tight corners on my other bikes as consistently as I can on this one. For sure the knobbies help, but I've also got the weight distribution worked out on this bike better than I do on other bikes.

Arrowleaf Balsamroot are beginning to bloom on highdrive trails. That means Lupin are forthcoming. The trails are in perfect shape right now: firm and not too dusty.

The BAB booth at the Bloomsday trade show. Nicest one yet. With lots of room for maps. The key is getting a space at the end of a row. 

This is a picture of a picture that was at some booth at the Bloomsday tradeshow. I don't remember the booth. But what's the deal with those bikes? The whole drive side is on the wrong side of these bikes. I know Sheldon did that with some bikes, but I've never seen that before in the wild, but there's two bikes in this pic with the chain, rings, derailleurs, etc are on the left side. At first I though it was a developing issue, where the negative was flipped. But that stuff is on the wrong side relative to the people. Have I lost it? Is it me? Is there some obvious explanation here that I'm oblivious to? What the hey?

Saw this Sugino with an integrated chaingaurd on a Kona up at Wheelsport on Thursday. You get all three chain rings + a chain guard on a servicable crankset. The chain guard just screws into a chainring with threaded holes in it. Nice.

Maddie. Proud cyclist on Wednesday morning. Back on her pink bike.


  1. John, you are in fact out of your mind. The photo is reversed.

  2. I think the photo is left/right flipped. Flip it back and it makes sense.

    Stephanie likes the pink bike. She'd like to trade the Miyata for it. As if. :-)

  3. You've lost it ;) But seriously, it is a development thing, the image has been flipped, like you thought. The answer that you seek is this.......cyclists pick up their bikes from the non-drive side, thus avoiding the wonderful "tattoos" that the people in the picture, whom I suspect are models not cyclists, are about to experience. At least that's my take on it, but maybe I'm the one who has lost it.

  4. hey cycling spokane, i think the graphic designer or photographer flipped the photo. i'll email it to you corrected...

    you can't trust anything printed or digitally... lots of room to manipulate.

  5. I really like that first picture, the bike, Liza, the cat, it all works.

    As for the left drive bikes, everything about it says flipped negative, nothing to lead me to believe otherwise.

  6. Intellectually, I know the photo is flipped. But no matter how hard I stare and try to flip it around, it's still in-side-out to me. I'm glad though that I have 4 strong that are sure it's flipped.

    Hank: tell Stephanie that she can paint the Miyata. Ideally, she'd powdercoat it pink, but rattle can + homemade decals work too. Then it would be a sure sell for Maddie when the time comes.

    Sean: thanks for the kind words on that picture. Every now and then I get lucky. I wish Tiger's face at a bit more light on it. But that's what you get with a camera phone.

  7. i get it. Thanks to Mike -- who emailed me offline with a flipped image. Thank you mike.
    Image here.

  8. yeah, the bikes are fine... its just the people who are backwards - i don't know anyone who would carry a bike like that...


  9. The picture is upside down.

    Those are not North American bikes. In the Southern Hemisphere cranks are on the opposite side and revolve counter-clockwise.


  10. Flipping the drive train on a single speed, fixed gear would be relatively easy to accomplish. Having someone make mirror-image derailleurs, on the other hand, would be prohibitively expensive, and you would still need a "fixed freewheel" or mirror-image parts inside the freewheel.

    (Friend of Willy)
