Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Help Wanted

I want to open up this blog to more voices. I think it would be cool to have a racer. A mountain biker. More commuters. Female types. A bike policy wonky type. Some hard-core bike technical nerdomism. A builder (nudge nudge wink wink). A LBS owner would be really cool. A BMXer.

It's not that I'm running out of things to say, but I'm feeling kind of lazy and I know that when I ride, I think of lots of things to say. I'm wondering if there are other people out there that have stuff to say but don't want the nagging overhead of a whole blog to look after.

Plus, the name of this blog is Cycling Spokane, which sort of begs for some communal crowd sourcing.

Interested in throwing in? Here's the commitment:
-- You'll write one post a month. But you can write as many as you want. If you don't feel comfortable writing, then post a video or a photo essay.
-- You'll stick around for at least 6 months.
-- You'll not do any blatant advertising.
-- You'll live in the Spokane "region."
-- Your posts will be bike related.

Send me an email (johnspeare at gmail dot com) if you want to try a 6-month slot.


Traditional Bike Club Curmudgeon said...

No solicitation for a "traditional bike club curmudgeon"?

Traditional Bike Club Curmudgeon said...

No solicitation for a "traditional bike club curmudgeon"?

John Speare said...

Hey Cyrus -- an unfortunate oversight on my part. I'd take some that. If I could just find one...