The word from Mr. Blaine: There will be an informal Bike Swap on Sunday August 10th 8am to 11am in the Wheelsport South parking lot at 29th and Regal. No fees or sign up. Buy, Sell or Trade. Tell your friends.
The latest cycling meme... From fatcyclist via 100km
If you could have any one — and only one — bike in the world, what would it be?
I'm pretty close with my hacked RB-T. I call it a Wetmorian: steep angles, low trail, takes 35+ fenders, canti brakes, standard gauge tubing. Same old same old from me.
Do you already have that coveted dream bike? If so, is it everything you hoped it would be? If not, are you working toward getting it? If you’re not working toward getting it, why not?Do you already have that coveted dream bike? If so, is it everything you hoped it would be? If not, are you working toward getting it? If you’re not working toward getting it, why not?
I pretty much do have that bike. Except for the tire clearance and I'd rather have 7-4-7 tubing and bit bigger frame size: 59 cm I think. Some day it will happen. I'm not working toward that specific bike at the moment; I am working on two others. Life is too short to focus on one bike and I have still have a lot to learn about bikes and what I like.
If you had to choose one — and only one — bike route to do every day for the rest of your life, what would it be, and why?
It would have to have a great climb; a great descent. Some good dirt roads; some nice smooth trails. Good views. Maybe an urban traffic section. Good coffee. Good food. Start with the south hill trails to Joe's Marshall Loop then back downtown, up Greenwood, across Palisades, down to the river at SFCC. Up doomsday for a cruise through the park and a stop for a burrito at Neato. A stop at the Scoop on the way home.
What kind of sick person would force another person to ride one and only one bike ride to to do for the rest of her / his life?
hm. meme tax question.
Do you ride both road and mountain bikes? If both, which do you prefer and why? If only one or the other, why are you so narrow minded?
I'll go with the "fat tired road bike" option. I hate this distinction.
Have you ever ridden a recumbent? If so, why? If not, describe the circumstances under which you would ride a recumbent.
Yes. I wanted to try them. I'll keep trying them as long as friends loan them to me.
Have you ever raced a triathlon? If so, have you also ever tried strangling yourself with dental floss?
No. And I have zero interest in attempting it. No.
Suppose you were forced to either give up ice cream or bicycles for the rest of your life. Which would you give up, and why?
I'd give up ice cream. It gives me gas anyway and I'm mostly off the dairy at this point as it is.
What is a question you think this questionnaire should have asked, but has not? Also, answer it.
Do you have goals around cycling? If so what?
Yes. Cylocross in the fall. 2 races. Don't come in dead last.
You’re riding your bike in the wilderness (if you’re a roadie, you’re on a road, but otherwise the surroundings are quite wilderness-like) and you see a bear. The bear sees you. What do you do?
I've thought of this scenario. If there is a cub involved. I don't move. Except for maybe dropping a load. If not, scream yell make noise and hope the bear runs. If the bear stays, the plan ends with me in a fetal position guarding my head/neck and hoping for the best.
Now, tag three biking bloggers. List them below.
Taylor, Hank, Alex. Sorry guys. But please play along.