Jacque smashed out 8 teeth and busted her jaw when she wrecked on her bike a few weeks ago. She needs help with bills to put everything back together. Last I heard this was in the $30k range. The event is a fundraiser at the Wild Sage this Sunday night.
The Wild Sage is hands-down my favorite full-service place in town. And Jacque's step-dad is just a really good guy who loves riding. To top it off, one of the silent auction items is a a Pedals2People Basic Maintenance Class for you and 3 friends, taught by Liza-the-Great.
See you there.
Great post John. Fresh Abundance! is going to donate membership, registration and a produce box and I'll copy your post onto my blog.
Jacque (Jack)
I'll post links to your and Jacque's dad's blogs over on Flickr.
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