The first week Maddie learned to ride her bike she tried signaling and nearly went down hard. Since then, she's been strict 2-hander on the bars at all times. Today she tried signaling again and found it pretty easy. She signaled for most of the ride today.
She also did some off-roading along Manito Blvd. The curb hopping exit:

Speaking of signaling, rules of the road, and other bicycling niceties, the guy who I buy my knickers from wrote a good piece about modeling good behavior and "fixie punks" the other day on his site. It's a provocative piece that twists perception around a bit and worth a read in my opinion.
Finally, the WSDOT is sponsoring some bike traffic counts in Spokane over the next few days. They need volunteers to count bike traffic at these locations:
- W 4th Ave and S Washington St - 4-6 PM
- W 2nd Ave and S Howard St - 4-6 PM
- E Mission Ave and N Perry St (Centennial Trail) -4-6 PM
- W Buckeye Ave and N Post St - 7-9 AM & 4-6 PM
From an email by BAB'er Bradley Bleck this morning:
If you want to see state money flow to Spokane to improve the bike/ped infrastructure, this is a great way to contribute.
Please, please, please, bicyclists in Spokane need your help and they need it now! If bicyclists don't step up to contribute to our own success, we can't expect others to do it for us. If you have any questions, please email me. (bleckb3 AT comcast.net)
Thanks for posting the WDOT stuff John. Second and Howard is now covered, but more volunteers greatly appreciated. I didn't check to see if John included my email, though he probably did, but here it is again: bleckb3ATcomcastDOTnet.
Next thing you know, Maddie will be doing no hands. I hope she has left and right down a little better than Tobias, but he's ambidextrous like me, so he still gets confused, as did I until I was in my late teens, at the least!
She'll be building a ramp to "get some air" next year!
Thanks for posting that bicycle fixation piece. It was a cool read.
That article does make some good points, I suppose just having more people on bikes is a good thing, but I still think they contribute to road rage against cyclists who actually play it safe and follow the rules.
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