Monday, January 18, 2010


I rode Alex's new Gifford around Ravena/Interlaken/Capital Hill yesterday morning. Great great bike. Pretty much a perfect do-it-aller. It rides super smooth and seems to have that magic feel on climbs. I would like to ride the Gifford with less-great tires to try to determine just how much greatness can be attributed to the Hetres. But the bike climbs much nicer than my Rawland with the same tires, so there is certainly something going on in the frame there.

Dylan and Alex met me for a quick 1 hour loop at 9am. I over-dressed. I forgot how mild winter can be here. Especially this year, where it's pretty mild in eastern WA too.

Later, I made a wine run for my sister-in-law on their Miran.

This is your basic entry-level mountain bike. Lots of travel in the forks and even a bit on the seatpost. I couldn't figure out how to lock out the suspension on the for. But with fat, under-inflated semi-knobbie tires, the bike was really fun to ride the short distance to the store on a breezy mild Seattle night.

1 comment:

Mike Sirott said...

That's a fine looking Gifford John. Hopefully there's some warm weather left over there for next weekend when I'm coming over for a ride. ~Mike