I'm running wild trying to keep up after a week away. And I'm gone again tomorrow for a few days for work stuff.
I really want to write up a post on the big x-state journey. But that's not going to happen for a few days.
In the meantime, take a look at an email I got from a buddy of mine, Bill Bender. Bill is the guy that is putting together SpokeFest. I ranted about how there's "idea guys" and people that do stuff a while back... Bill is a guy that does stuff.
Anyway, SpokeFest is in a month. He needs volunteers:
Last week I sent you a general message about SpokeFest, which will be on 9/7 at 9am. The SpokeFest Association is working hard to have a first class event for the City of Spokane.
I am writing again to ask some specific help. We need volunteers for the day of the event. Some are needed to help set up, some are needed to tear down the finish area in Riverfront Park after the ride. Both would allow you to still ride. We also need a handful of people to be marshalls on the course during the ride.
Would you be willing to help with any part of this? It would be much appreciated.
We also have a 1 mile loop through Riverfront Park for kids. We want it to be a safe course, so that parents feel good about letting their kids go alone. This means that we want it lined with people all the way around. We are looking for High School aged marshalls on this course. If we could get a whole group of them who want to volunteer, that would be great. I am thinking of groups like, the whole cross country team, a whole soccer team, a youth group, the cheerleaders, etc. Do you have a connection to some group that would be willing to cheer young children around a course for about an hour?
Thanks for thinking about this. Please let me know if you can help.
Bill Bender
Presidnet, SpokeFest Association
Go to the SpokeFest site for more info.
I have it on good authority that Costco is providing 1000 chocolate cookies and only about eight people have registered for the ride so far. My kids did that math and they're suddenly motivated. Go figure. But they must do the long ride. Maybe we can all help, too.
I'm guessing your cross-state ride report would read something like this:
I pedaled a long way for a long time. I was tired, hungry and sore. I sweated through the day and ached every night. It was fun.
Only you'll have more detail.
Dang Hank. You ruined the suprise. That's it. The one detail that I've been thinking about though is the comment you left asking if I wore padded shorts. I didn't. And I was going to add that. Otherwise you nailed it.
Check out the ride report I just found by Jan at BQ. Cool.
On to the next one...
That was quite a ride you just finished. Lots of miles every day. I see on your Washington Pass posting that you ate pretty good too.
Very nice
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