After two seasons of riding, Maddie grew tired of her
tandem. So we sold it a few months ago. I regretted it (as always) when we sold it. But it's one thing to stash a bike in the basement or sort of work around it in the garage, but a giant tandem that is not being ridden is really hard to justify in our space. So out it went.

The tandem in the picture is one that I got a pretty good deal on it a few years ago. It's a Burley Rock n Roll. A solid, 26"-wheeled machine. I made a few changes to its budget-mountain bike setup: I put drop bars on it, made the drum brake into a drag brake by putting a thumb-shifter-actuator on the bars. I also put some lights, racks, and decent saddles on it: a B-17 for me and the sprung version of the B-17 (champion?) for Liza.
The plan now is that Liza and I will give this a go.
Tomorrow is our inaugural ride. I have the day off from work, Maddie will be at school, and we have some
Paris-Roubaix fliers to distribute around town. I just hope it's not pissing down rain the entire day.

I'm really excited to try tandeming with Liza. We've both captained a lot with Maddie as the stoker, but we've never ridden more than a few blocks together on a tandem. My approach to the tandem is all about hanging out with Liza. It's not about hammering or doing a bunch of distance. Liza is a stop-and-smell-the-roses type. She's a cruise along and look around rider. Hence, the platform pedals on the captain's cranks. If we enjoy it, then maybe we'll seek out longer rides, but the primary goal is to enjoy each other's company.

If it sounds like I'm convincing myself or her here, it's because I kind of am. Liza is on the fence with the whole idea, but is willing to give a honest effort. So, we'll see how it goes tomorrow. Hopefully, I won't have a listing here for a tandem for sale tomorrow night.