This is crazy snow. They say it hasn't snowed like this since 1992. It has been snowing solid for 24 hours now.

Maybe someday we'll get a Pugsley. I've talked to friends about going in on a pair of Pugsleys and sharing them, but the problem is, on a Sunday like this where the snow is 2+ feet deep, everyone would want to ride it. It's still worth considering. Using Sheldon's pricing as a starting place, we're looking at about $4500 for two bikes. You get 10 people in on the deal, that's $450/each. Or you could just do a single bike for the same cost among 5 friends. But it seems lame to have a bike like that and not be able to enjoy the experience with a friend.
Speaking of Surly, I took the plumbers torch to my hub today and wrestled the enduro bearing races (what's left of the bearings) out. After I worked the races out, I applied a bunch of grease and pushed the new bearings in, which need to be set by lightly tapping them with a mallet.
I was curious to see how well the bearing would pop out, all freshly greased and all. I bought some little enduro bearing pullers with the bearings. The way these bearings are jammed in the hub is just not a good design. I couldn't get them out. I didn't try that hard, but I don't think I'm going to get these hubs again, which is a bummer, because otherwise I really like them.

I got the fixed back together with the new fork on it. The fork was naked, so I gave it to Patrick at The Scoop to give it a coat of paint. I bought a bunch of model enamels and some spray paint at a discount shop. Patrick did a great job. The Japanese writing says, "Everyone's Bike." Or as Liza joked, "Free Bike." Huh. Not sure about that. But I think I'm going to sandblast the frame and have him do the whole thing... if he's up for it.
I remember that winter very well, at one point we had nearly six feet in our front yard. You couldn't see the front door from the street. I would love to be in the middle of that kind of storm again.
I took a few pictures, too.
Winter Pictures
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