But lame that I waited until the last race to try it.
No time to carry on about the details. The biggest lesson: how the heck have I lived this close to such a amazingly perfect riding area without ever going there? Roads, climbs, views, camping, solitude, descents, -- tons of all of this. I know DB has been telling me this for years. And Willy mentioned it a time or two. I need to listen better.
I'll be going back to CdA frequently. It's a f'ing huge area with insane exploration possibilities.
I took Phil's RB-T and fulfilled the promise to "put the bike to good use."
Essentially we rode one long day. About 65 miles and 7500 feet of real (non-GPS lies) climbing. So basically, about 1/2 a normal day of GDR pace.
A few pics follow. A few more are at Pat's site. And I'm hoping Alex will post the scenic shots. That bright thing is Tyvek fender. Channelling Peters*n.
From: Reynolds, Charles [mailto:creynolds@spokanepolice.org]
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:26 PM
To: Bob Lutz;
Subject: Bike lane complaint
We have put the final touches on the carparkedinbikelane@spokanepolice.org email address. We are ready to field complaints and send out letters when we receive all of the necessary information.
In order for us to act on the information we will need the following:
The tandem bummer is that we just don't get out on it enough. We had a plan to do a two-day overnighter this weekend, but Liza's mom (aka: Nonna, aka: "the sitter") got sick. So we down-graded the plan to a lunch-destination ride, which got utterly rained out. Erg.
So instead of riding it, I took it down off the hook, stared at it for a while, took a few photos, and wrote this. All in all, not nearly as satisfying as taking off with Liza for the weekend.
Here's proof of the rain we've had:
I really need to put a proper roof on the tree house.
Siphoning is easy with 10 feet of drop. And a mouthful of pollen'y rain water beats unleaded any day of the week.