It's time. Today's weather has verified that it is now time to commute to work.
Since I work from home, I have to latch on to other people who get to commute daily.
If you commute by bike, no matter how short or far or slow or fast, please contact me so I can get your route. The 'why' and contact info is here.
City of Spokane is what we're looking for here. If you commute outside the city, I still may want to come and get your route.
Nice picture. If you want to embarrass your daughter, show that to all of her dates the first time they show up.
My route: from 14th and Bernard down the hill to Second, where I take a left and follow it until it becomes Sunset Highway where I hang a right at Government Way which I follow until I hang another right at Fort George Wright Drive and end up at Spokane Falls CC. The ride is 5.46 miles.
My ride home follows the route backwards, but climbs the South Hill at Maple, which becomes Cedar and then High Drive. If I'm in a hurry, I hang a left at Bernard and home is about 1.8 miles down the road. Less of a hurry, and I head over to Grand before turning left and making another left at 37th, then a right on Bernard. Less of a hurry still and I head out to the Palouse Hiway and hang a u-turn there. Less of a hurry yet, I take the Palouse Hiway down to Jamieson and climb up to Ben Garret Way (is that right?) then back to 57th and the Palouse Hiway and home. My route home is anywhere from 8.5 to 20 miles. If I head down through Hangman, it's a 25 mile ride home. This is more information than you wanted, isn't it?
Yeah. Plus I have your route. I didn't get your long way home though.
I followed a guy last year who brought me on his training ride. The total net distance of his trip was about 2 miles, point-to-point. But the commute he took me on was about 25 miles. It sucked.
Whoo-hoo! I'm back on the road. I changed my route home from downtown to the north-south bike route on Howard->Buckeye->Mayfair and on to Addison, Standard, Colton and Hwy 2. The 5:30 pm northbound traffic on Wall and Waikiki is just too crowded and crazy. BTW, Steph is really enjoying the Miyata.
started the 3rd - thanks in no small part to BAB encouragement! If its 30 degrees or higher at 5AM, I'm in the saddle. Come in from Sullivan and Valleyway to riverside and Monroe via Broadway/University/Sprague - its right at 13 miles. Head home via riverfront connecting with upriver and then onto the trail. it adds about 4 miles but I've been able to watch the snow melt - the river is stunning this time of year. I will be glad when its 4o with some regularity, however :)
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