Thursday, January 19, 2012



Anonymous said...

You're going to need a BIG hammer to fix that!

Jonathan Eberly said...

Oh crap.. Im with Chris. Maybe banging it will work.

What a crappy day to commute. my 15 mile roundtrip took 3 hours instead of 1.

John Speare said...

Coffee Joe saved the day. The crank fell off in Liberty Park. I humped it up to the Rockwood Clinic and just made my appt, then to Joe's, who woke from his nap to hook me up with a crank arm bolt and a 15mm socket wrench.
Then the slog. Which burned 1100 calories! Now we're walking to Benni's to drink up the calorie deficit. Ja!

Jonathan Eberly said...

1100 Calories.. Ha! Im earning this beer and chorizo tonight!

Riding in Reno said...

I salute anyone who can shear off a crank arm!

John Speare said...

Hate to disappoint, Reno, but no shearing here. The crank arm bolt popped out at some point.

Bill Foss said...

Riding home yesterday morning was slow going. I wound up walking a lot of it. It's funny how some snow is a lot slipperier than others!