I've had this Trek 720 for about 4 years. It's a super sweet frame. 1983 was a good year at Trek. A couple years ago, I put some high-rake forks (painted by buddy Patrick) on it and Alex made me the sweet rack. Last year, I bought the Swift Industries bag. Sweet bag. Pretty much rain-proof. And egg-proof too.
Most of it's life with me it's been built up as a fixed gear. In the last couple years I really only get into the fixed gear in the winter when I need a studded bike for ice. Now that winter is over I decided to porteur-ize the bike for tooling around town.
It's got the Nexus 8-speed hub, Albatross bars, and a low stem with lots of reach to push the bars out. It's pretty comfy. I've really been into platform pedals, tennis shoes, jeans, and headphones lately. Maybe it's just a phase, but I dig it. I rode Liza's hacked Fuji this week too.
When you set up a bike with swept-back bars and platform pedals and a big-ass turdy IG hub, it's hard not to chill out and enjoy being on a bike in a way that feels like only a bike can make you feel: I'm in no hurry when I'm rolling like this. And with the spring and the sun coming on, and some good music, I end up taking the long way home. Slowly.
I had a single speed mountain bike for a few days before the chain exploded. It's getting track dropouts at the moment (literally, I think there is a very good chance that Glen is brazing the new dropouts on that bike as I type this). That bike will be a platform pedaled beauty too -- for trail riding and chilled day time cruising. Pics to come.
...to '83 Treks, platform pedals, porteurs, and chilled daytime cruising.
Well done.
The universe is in constant balance. Just when I go clipless, you go platform.
Hey great looking set up! I also oscillate between fast pace drop bars and my comfy albatross bars.
I have a swift industries pelican bag also and I've found a great way to carry eggs over rough terrain. See these pictures: http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=bike%20bag&w=8760851%40N05
Basically if you have the paper carton you just rest it on top of the bag and underneath the top flap. The flap cinches it down and the bag absorbs the shock of the road. The pics above are from a typical farmers market run. Everyone looks at me like I'm a crazy man when I buy 5 dozen eggs while wearing my bike gear ;).
Cheers, L
John...this is your defensive rider-self speaking...is there an internal drum brake on your fancy internal hub? WHERE'S YOUR REAR BRAKE?!
Logan: good advice on egg carrying. I've usually had good luck with eggs and my wife carries them all the time in her panniers - willy nilly -- just tossed in there, and she never has a broken egg.
Good eye Justin -- it was just converted from a fixed gear that didn't have a rear brake. Some day I'll put a rear brake on there.
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