Now Rory is going to hack it into a cycle truck. Rory is a member of The Alex Five: the frame and rack building gang of the west side. There's probably more than 5 of them, but I like the sound of "The Alex Five."

Apparently the first step to making a cycle truck is to cut the front end off the frame. So there it is.
Anyway. Hopefully Rory will continue to send picture updates of the progress as the Fuji is built up, like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, into the Turd Hauler and put back into service.
My camera is busted and it's killing me. I need to get another "rugged" one. The last one last over 2 years, which is a record for me.
Hey, the Ben Folds Five only had three so The Alex Five is a fitting name regardless of their numbers.
I can only get so far, before i need to get help from alex. what i've done is to pretty much copy alex's smugmug/blog about his cycle truck for preliminary design and figure outedness.
some things i'm doing different are to build my own fork, and then to extend the head tube by about 10cm, since the frame is kind of weird, with a 59cm level top tube, and a 49c-c seat tube.
the other thing to note will be that the color has already been decided on, which i call two-week old turd.
The Pentax Optio W90 has a good rep. as a rugged point and shoot camera.
Rory: I'm looking forward to seeing it. Keep the pics coming.
Michael: actually, it was the Pentax that lasted 2 years. For durabiity, the Pentax was great. The picture quality though was always a bit grainy no matter how hard I fussed with the manual controls. I'm looking at the Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS1. And I think I'm going buy a 3 year "we'll replace it no matter what" warranty.
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