Steve, formerly of 2 Wheel Transit, has quietly opened up his shop in Brownes Addition. It's called "Steve's on Cannon St."
He'll be carrying Orbea, Pashley, Bianchi, Co-motion, Seven, Waterford, Gunnar, and he's considering Civia.

He's got a few bikes in there now and he'll be building out the stock, and finishing the build-out details of his space over the next few weeks.

In other news, Liza continues to rule.

You can't see it from this angle, but there was likely a smile under all those layers.

Dang, that is a good looking Pashley.
I haven't seen Steve's new space or even checked out the construction for several months. But I remember talking to him about some of the details of what he was doing and I have to totally admire his vision and balls for just totally re-defining his presence in Spo on both a personal and professional basis. Wow, super-gutsy shit.
Looks good. I'll have to pay a visit, next time I'm in Spokane.
The shop is really nice; a true boutique. That Pashley might just be the nicest bike I've ever seen. As I understand it, there were only 50 plus fours made.
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